Harmonics International Co., Ltd. Corporate Profile (English)


Harmonics International has been discovering talents both domestically and internationally since 2006 to fulfill the goals of many businesses involving, but not limited to, music and entertainment. The company was established to offer a wide range of services in production with the objective of spreading excellent music worldwide.
We take pride in producing the finest compositions, top-class recordings, and riveting concerts (often related to video game music) and coordinating performers, orchestras, composers, and arrangers from various countries.
Our ultimate goal is to introduce Japanese entertainment to the world in order to build a cultural bridge between nations across the globe.

※We also have a separate homepage exclusively for information about our domestic/remote recording and music production services in Japan for people worldwide. Check out Harmonics Japan Music Recording Services for more details:

Businesss Services

Artist management
Concert planning and production
Album production and distribution
Website production

Main Credits

  • Music Production
    • Elden Ring (Bandai Namco Entertainment – FromSoftware / PS5) – Music and Orchestra Recording Coordination
    • Resident Evil 6 (CAPCOM / PS3) – Music and Orchestra Recording Coordination
    • Binary Domain (SEGA / PS3) – Orchestra Recording Coordination
    • Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Bandai Namco Entertainment / PS3) – Music Coordination
  • Concert Planning and Production
    • Super Mario 30th Anniversary – Concert Planning
    • Legend of Zelda Symphony: Majora’s Mask 3D – Launch Concert Planning and Production
    • Monster Hunter Orchestra Concerts 2009 – 2023 Planning and Production
    • The Gaspar Cassado International Violincello Competition in Hachioji – Stage Direction
  • Soundtracks
    • Monster Hunter Orchestra Live 2014~2023
    • Puzzle & Dragons Original Soundtrack
    • Virtua Fighter Best Track + One
  • Website Production
    • FINAL FANTASY XI 5th Anniversary Event Special Website
    • Former Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan Official Website
    • Pole To Win Co., Ltd. Official Website

Company outline and contact

Please feel free to contact us at info@harmonics.co.jp with any inquiries or interests.
